Sponsor: Affinity Metals (TSX-V: AFF) a Canadian mineral exploration company building a strong portfolio of mineral projects in North America. The Corporation’s flagship property is the Drill ready Regal Property near Revelstoke, BC. Recent sampling encountered bonanza grade silver, zinc, and lead with many samples reaching assay over-limits. Click Here for More Info
- Well Known Big Investors Are Now Buying Gold As central banks continue to go wild, the list of well known investors who are buying and recommending gold continues to grow.
As Ronald-Peter Stöferle, author of the “#InGoldWeTrust†report and a fund manager for #Incrementum was kind of enough to join me on the show and discuss. Ronni talks about how while gold has been reaching all time highs in many #currencies around the globe, it’s now even starting to rally in #dollar terms.
And with low or even #negativeinterestrates prevailing around the globe, the appeal of gold is shining brighter than ever.
He also provides updates on the #inflation warning he issued late last year, why #centralbanks continue to buy gold, what #investors can expect in this year’s version of his highly sought after “In Gold We Trust Report,†and a few of the gold companies he’s an advisor to.
So to hear a #goldmarket update from one of the most well informed and connected gold investors on the planet, click to watch the interview now! – To get access to Ronni’s “In Gold We Trust
Affinity Metals Hub on Agoracom
Report†go to: https://investmentresearchdynamics.com/
To find out more about Ronni’s investment funds go to: https://www.incrementum.li/en/
Tags: #AFF, #AffinityMetals, #BCMining, #Canada, #Discovery, #Drilling, #GoldStandard, #Incrementum, #InGoldWeTrust, #Kootenay, #Research, #RonnieStoeferle, #silver, gold