Small cap investors should take notice of the following small cap gold exploration companies after the Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund (OP&F) approved a 5% allocation into gold in a move to diversify its portfolio and hedge against the risk of inflation. This may not sound like much, but it may be the first of many pension funds to follow as they seek to protect their pension assets. The OP&F fund currently holds about $16 billion in assets under management and believe gold will give the portfolio a strong diversifier to its growth-oriented investments as well as provide an effective hedge against inflation
More and more pensions are going to need to protect themselves against rising inflation and the falling value of currencies and 5% from every fund poses an incredible amount of purchasing power for the gold market to sustain.
Rising gold prices boost demand, as witnessed by Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway surprising gold investors after buying nearly 21 million shares of Barrick Gold. The first time ever in the funds history.
If the worlds largest funds are finding value in the gold market, small cap investors need to pay attention to the following Agoracom clients poised for success.

American Creek owns a 20% Carried Interest to Production at the Treaty Creek Project in the Golden Triangle. 2020’s first hole is the best yet, intersecting 973 Meters Averaging 0.845 gram per ton Equivalent, From Hole GS-20-57, Including 1.40 gpt AuEq Over 217.5 Meters. Eric Sprott believes Treaty Creek may contain over 30 million ounces. Initial resource report expected late 2020 from project operator Tudor Gold.

Affinity controls 2 projects, The West Timmins Gold and The Regal where and Affinity just announced that drilling has begun targeting several major geophysical anomalies as well as three historic small-scale past producing mines. Past results include 11.10 meter interval of 143.29 g/t silver which included a 0.55 meter interval of 2,612.0 g/t silver.
The West Timmins Gold property is located near Timmins, Ontario, Canada and adjoins Melkior’s Carscallen project. The first drill hole has been completed and assays from that first hole are expected to be received by the Corporation within the next two weeks.

Durango is positioned for discovery with a 100% interest in strategically located properties in the Windfall Lake gold camp in the Abitibi region of Quebec, named Trove and Barry. Osisko is currently drilling the Lynx Project close to Durango’s property border. Durango is currently finalizing its drill plan for 2020.

Candente owns a large, economic, copper ore body in Peru waiting to be mined. Cañariaco Norte is a 100% owned feasibility-stage porphyry copper deposit containing 7.5 billion pounds of copper and has had multiple scientific studies propelling it along the way toward production. Strengthened by Goldman Sachs belief it is one of the top 80 copper deposits yet to be exploited and strategically guided by Australian Iron Ore giant Fortescue’s 19% inside ownership, Candente has the lowest quartile production costs slated for development.

Labrador Gold explores for prospective gold projects in Eastern Canada. The Kingsway project is the current focus in Newfoundland, along strike of New Found Gold’s discovery of 92.86 g/t Au over 19.0 metres on their Queensway property. Field crews have started the 2020 exploration program on the Kingsway Property. Labrador also holds the Hopedale and Ashuanipi district scale gold exploration properties.

Loncor Resources (LN: TSX / Q: LONCF /) is an excellent gold explorer that is 100% focused on Africa, where they have already discovered over 3 million ounces of gold …. with plans to find even more.
World renown gold miner Newmont has a market capitalization of $50 Billion and owns 8% of Loncor. Resolute Mining of Australia has a market capitalization of $1.5 Billion and owns 26% of Loncor
Joint Venture on all of Loncor’s remaining land with Barrick Gold, the $53 Billion Company whose mandate is to find a Tier 1 asset. On Loncor ground

SX has a “Eco-Green’ approach to the mining business. It creates eco-friendly mining solutions through technology to grow its business and has developed 4 separate and distinct avenues to create an ideal growth company for the ecological requirements 21st mining will face. Currently focused on exploring for gold in Iceland while developing processing technologies to reduce the environmental impact of mining activities.

Tajiri Resources Corp is exploring for world class gold deposits in Guyana with 2 exploration properties that could each wield major discoveries, the Gargantuan and Epeius projects. Supported by management that have a track record of discovery with almost 20 million ounces, mostly in Guyana
FULL DISCLOSURE: All companies are advertising client of AGORA Internet Relations Corp.
Tags: #PensionFail, Discovery, gold, mining, smallcap, SmallCapStocks