- Improved its balance sheet with 3 important transactions in the month of March.
- ZeU is also pleased to update its shareholders and stakeholders on the development of the Mula platform.
- Major encryption and security conceptual changes have been tested and coding of an alpha version of this element of Mula platform is completed
- Management is evaluating the possibility to file additional patents regarding these important improvements.
Montréal – April 5, 2021 – ZeU Technologies Inc. (CSE:ZEU) (CNSX:ZEU.CN) (OTC:ZEUCF) is pleased to disclose that it improved its balance sheet with 3 important transactions in the month of March. ZeU is also pleased to update its shareholders and stakeholders on the development of the Mula platform.
Balance Sheet Improvements
The Company exercised its option to repay an equivalent of $500,000 of debentures and pay all outstanding interests representing $661,834.40, all for a total of $1,161,834.40 using 3,336,564 KAM token to complete the transaction. The Company also received payment of 250,000 Hodlc tokens related to the development in part of the Hodlc DEX DeFi platform. ZeU is not assigning a current value to the Hodlc tokens received while awaiting a review by its auditors to determine its proper accounting treatment.
Mula Developments Updates
Major encryption and security conceptual changes have been tested and coding of an alpha version of this element of Mula platform is completed. Management is evaluating the possibility to file additional patents regarding these important improvements.
The Company has embarked new developers and expects to accelerate the coding of all the email and live messaging functionality of the platform in parallel with the fiat gateway to the ZeUPay application and the smart contract builder for third party developers. Negotiations to integrate with applications specialised in food delivery and transactional web design are underway as well as with other third-party applications. The platform is expected to embark gaming, lottery and P2P casino applications that will use the new encryption feature. ZeU P2P Casino software is currently being integrated with license holders and the Company should update the public on the progress of this business segment later in the month of April.
Source: https://agoracom.com/ir/ZeUTechnologies/forums/discussion/topics/758531-mula-defi-communication-platform-development-update-balance-sheet-improvements/messages/2310892#message
Tags: blockchain, crypto, CSE, Prego International Group AS, stocks, tech stocks