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US Federal Reserve Heroin Injections Are Going To Kill The Patient

Posted by AGORACOM at 1:59 AM on Monday, November 8th, 2010

David Stockman, Former White House Budget Director Under Ronald Regan, tells it like it is.  As a test of his credibility, he doesn’t believe the new Republican Congress is going to solve the problem either …. though he does believe Ron Paul’s anticipated oversight of the Fed is going to finally lead to real debate.

Take 4:34 and watch this video.

Gold $2,000 Much More Likely Than Gold $1,000 Was 3 Years Ago

Posted by AGORACOM at 4:38 PM on Thursday, November 4th, 2010

This Is A Dynamic Image, So Price May Differ From Original Post Date

At the risk of celebrating too early as I watched gold sky-rocket this morning, I waited until the end of day to have gold confirm a $35 rocket ride and a closing price of $1,384 and change.  I won’t go into the QE2 analysis – because you (should) know that story very well by now.   In case you don’t, here is a quick link to Google’s QE2 + Gold news articles.

When I first started this blog, one of the topic categories I created was “Gold $1,000” in February of 2007.  It was ambitious because gold was trading in the $650 range, yet here we are trading 113% higher after 45 months.  Today, I’m officially changing the name of the category to Gold $2,000 and feel more confident in that number being reached than I was about gold hitting $1,000 back in February 2007.

Why Is Gold A Better Bet To Hit $2,000 Than It was To Hit $1,000?

I will quote from one of my previous posts as the foundation for gold appreciation remain intact and even stronger than before:

Gold is now silently being recognized as the world’s reserve currency. Fiat currencies are being printed at will with no accountability. This paper inflation is weakening the purchasing power of world currencies, and the risk of rendering them worthless is rising. Nations have elected to print and spend instead of stimulate economies through investment, tax reductions, and technological advances. Gold is now seen as a safe haven. Our conservative investment portfolio has a concentration in Gold, Mining Stocks, and Silver in anticipation of this fundamental expectation, and in response to technical analysis charts. We believe Gold is going much higher over the coming years. (Via Technical Indicator Index)

Bottom line? Most world Governments are broke. They’re broke at the Federal, State and Local levels. The response has been to print and borrow more money. You don’t need a fancy graph or chart to tell this is going to end badly. Rather, just imagine what your grandfather would say if he was sitting beside you right now. When you’re broke, you cut spending, stop borrowing and sell assets to pay down your debt. You make sacrifices and start all over again as best you can. As an individual or small business, this is what your lenders would force you to do.

Governments are no different except for the fact they can photocopy as much money as they need. That’s fine and dandy in the short-term – but how much confidence would you have in the long-term prospects of someone that kept handing you photocopied IOU’s?

If you understand this concept, then you now understand why investors are losing confidence in currencies and turning to gold.


To this, I will add the following new revelation – the USA is just fine with this entire scenario for one very powerful reason … they would never be able to make interest payments on their debt if Treasuries dropped and rates increased.  Never.  See, as long as a person/government can continue to make its monthly payments, creditors won’t call in loans no matter how nervous they are about the debt owed to them.   Make the monthly payments and everyone prays for another day.

Stop making the payments – and all hell breaks loose.  Treasuries start selling off like wildfire and interest rates rocket.  This very scenario happened to Greece in May when rates went from 7% to 22% in one day before the EU saved the day (temporarily).


On the flipside, a huge beneficiary of QE1 and 2 have been developing economies.  Why?  American institutions are borrowing money at ridiculously low rates and putting it to work in developing economies that are actually growing.

Yes, these developing nations are publicly bitching about the risk of “heating up” from inflation – but they have two significant internal controls to keep a lid on things.  Tax rates and government spending.  As things heat up, they can simply raise taxes and lower government spending, leading to fiscal utopia.  Citizens won’t mind because they’re making a boat load of money from $USD inflows.

You might be wondering why I didn’t add interest rates as a third inflation control tool for developing nations.  I’ll leave that answer blank for now and look forward to seeing your responses below.


The gravy train can only stop once the US economy begins to achieve actual GDP growth, lower unemployment and rising real estate prices.  When that will happen is anyone’s guess. Until then, this mad cycle will continue …. and gold will climb.

Now you know why Gold $2,000 is much more likely to happen than Gold $1,000.


Peter Schiff Video From New Orleans: Dollar, Silver, Gold, GDP, QE2, Elections

Posted by AGORACOM at 3:16 PM on Saturday, October 30th, 2010

You simply have to love the fact that you can’t be at the New Orleans Investment Conference – yet you still have an ability to watch Peter Schiff provide commentary from his hotel room.  Here is his latest 10-minute video.  Grab a cup of coffee, sit back and watch.  Leave me your feedback in the comments section below.


BREAKING: Silver Price Manipulation Lawsuits Begin. Expect More To Come

Posted by AGORACOM at 7:31 PM on Wednesday, October 27th, 2010

Via Zerohedge:

Yesterday’s announcement by CFTC commissioner Bart Chilton that he was fully aware of fraudulent efforts to persuade and deviously control silver prices may have been the straw that broke the camel’s back on precious metal manipulation. Today, Brian Beatty and Peter Laskaris (Southern District Court of New York, cases 10-08146, and 10-01857) sued the two firms at the very top of the precious metal manipulation pyramid: JPMorgan and HSBC. The lawsuit, which seeks class action status, alleges that “between in or about March 2008 and continuing through the present, Defendants have combined, conspired and agreed to restrain trade in, fix, and manipulate prices of silver futures and options contracts traded in this District on the COMEX division of the NYMEX. Defendants thereby have violated Section 1 of the Sherman Act, 15 U.S.C ¶1. Also during the Class Period, individual Defendants have intentionally acted to manipulate prices of COMEX silver futures and options contracts. Such conduct violates Section 9(a) of the Commodity Exchange Act, 7 U.S.C. ¶13b.” And so, the tidal wave of lawsuits by all those who may have ever lost money trading precious metals against JPM et al begins.

The lawsuit alleges that the means by which JPM and HSBC manipulated the market is as follows:

  • Defendants have effected their foregoing restraint of trade and manipulation through diverse means. These means themselves include lawful and unlawful acts.
  • Defendants have held large positions in silver futures and silver options.
  • Defendant have held a concentrated and substantial amount of the open interest in silver futures contracts
  • Defendants have made large trades at key times.
  • Defendants or others have made large “spoof” orders which appeared on the trading screens; “spoofing” is the submission of a large order which is not executed but influences prices and is then withdrawn before it reasonably can be executed.
  • Defendants have communicated with and/or signalled one another their trades

Continue To Zerohedge article to see actual lawsuit filing.

This may be the first of such lawsuits but don’t expect this to be the last.  Across the USA, bigger and badder law firms are preparing their own lawsuits.

Further, don’t expect this to end with silver.  GATA, Sinclair, Sprott, Ron Paul et al will be vindicated in their assertions that gold too has been manipulated down for years.


Why Is Gold Rocketing? Foreclosure-Gate Is Bigger Than You Think

Posted by AGORACOM at 1:26 PM on Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

As I write, DEC Gold is up $25 to $1,372.  Most commentators are discussing the usual suspects, which can be summarized as follows:

  • Weakening $USD
  • Anticipation of QE2
  • Erosion of confidence in $US (and all fiat currencies)
  • etc., etc.

However, I strongly believe a big reason behind gold’s recent surge has been the very issue I raised on October 5th in my article:  Checkmate – US Real Estate On The Verge Of Imploding, Pushing Gold Closer To $2,200.

If you are not fully up to date on this issue, then you need to read the article and get up to speed now.   Specifically, I stated:

Well, we are about to learn that markets can only be artificially maintained for so long. Eventually, they break free and revert to their true pricing levels. US Real estate is about to go through a mean dose of reversion, while simultaneously providing gold with additional fuel for $2,200.

Since then, in just a matter of a week, the problem has escalated to the point of this headline earlier today: Attorneys General in 49 States Join Foreclosure Probe. Highlights of the story include:

  • The states will conduct a coordinated inquiry into whether banks and loan servicers used false documents and signatures to justify hundreds of thousands of foreclosures
  • States including California and Colorado asked lenders to stop foreclosures.
  • The attorney general of Ohio last week sued Ally Financial Inc., claiming fraud in foreclosure practices.
  • In December, a GMAC employee said in a deposition in a foreclosure case in West Palm Beach, Florida, that his team of 13 people signed about 10,000 documents a month without verifying them.
  • Bank of America Corp., the largest U.S. lender, extended a freeze on foreclosures to all 50 states Oct. 8 as concern spread among federal and state officials that homes were being seized based on faulty data.


I can go on and on – but the most important question that should be on your mind is “What are the potential economic and market implications of this?”. The answer can be summarized in the following statement by Georgetown Law Prof Adam Levitin:

The mortgage is still owed but there’s going to be a problem figuring out who actually holds the mortgage, and they would be the ones bringing the foreclosure.

You have a trust that has been getting payments from borrowers for years that it has no right to receive. So you might see borrowers suing the trusts saying give me my money back, you’re stealing my money.

You’re going to then have trusts that don’t have any assets that have been issuing securities that say they’re backed by a whole bunch of assets, and you’re going to have investors suing the trustees for failing to inspect the collateral files, which the trustees say they’re going to do, and

You’re going to have trustees suing the securitization sponsors for violating their representations and warrantees about what they were transferring.

If this were to come to pass — and plaintiffs lawyers will certainly be eager to show that their clients were paying the wrong mortgage holders — the value of all instruments (including the performing ones) could plummet.


In short, the whole system could freeze overnight.  I’m not so sure it hasn’t already frozen.  With the exception of brand new homes, who would risky buying a re-sale home now?  Title Insurance companies have already stopped insuring re-sales of foreclosed homes – but how long will it be until that is extended to all homes that:

  • Were bought out of foreclosure in the past 5 years
  • Whose mortgage may be in good standing (or slightly delinquent) but is “Title Undefined”

The big losers will be the banks and Wall Street because:

  • They are not receiving any payments
  • They will be sued by customers that purchased Mortgage Backed Securities that failed to properly have mortgages attached to them
  • Underwriters face the threat of making CDO investors whole (Trillions of dollars)
  • If fraud is proven, mortgage originators could be help liable.  They may be long gone but the securitizers (Wall Street) are not.

Given the fact we are talking about Trillions of dollars, the banks and Wall street firms can potentially go from “Too Big To Fail” to a problem that is “Too Big To Save”.  Major US banks could literally be shut down overnight, with shareholders losing every penny and bond holders forced to take a major hair cut.

Yep, it could get that bad.  Even it was 1/2 as bad, the inevitable outcome is another economic crisis of epic proportions that pushes investors away from the $USD and into gold.

Stay tuned.


Making You A Better Investor – Tuesday October 5th, 2010

Posted by AGORACOM at 9:00 AM on Tuesday, October 5th, 2010


1.  Checkmate – US Real Estate Prices On The Verge Of Imploding As Foreclosure System Breaks Down. George says Gold prices Will Drive Higher AGORACOM Blog

2.  States of Texas, Delaware and Maryland All Call For Halt To Foreclosures View AGORACOM Twitter Stream

3. Gold Up $10 Overnight To $1,325. AGORACOM Gold Matrix Headlines Say Bank of Japan Rate Cut Was Catalyst, George Points To US Real Estate Concerns

4. Jim Rogers On CNBC. What He Said – And You Should Know – About $USD, US Economy and Ben Bernanke AGORACOM Twitter

5.  Level 2 Time and Sales Update- Full functionality has now resumed


Bernanke Does Not Know What He Is Doing.  The Whole Thing Is Dead Wrong

– Jim Rogers on CNBC Yesterday

$5,000 Gold Says Rob McEwen, CEO of U.S. Gold

Posted by AGORACOM at 12:53 AM on Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

Rob McEwen, CEO of U.S. Gold, says gold prices will hit $5,000 once the buying frenzy reaches its full potential.  I’m not totally sold on $5,000 gold and have to concede that McEwen is horribly conflicted by the fact he is heavily invested in the space – but I have stated publicly several times that gold will experience a buying mania at some point in the next 24 months -  36 months.

Why? To Americans, gold is no different than dot-com stocks, real estate or any other hot asset “du jour” .  Specifically, once the American masses decide that fast money can be made in gold, they will pile into it and create a self-perpetuating upward spiral.

Whether it spins its way to $5,000 is anybody’s guess – but I don’t think we need anything more than $2,200 to send junior gold / precious metals stocks into the stratosphere.  If I had to guess, gold will land somewhere in the middle.

On the other hand, here is McEwen making his case for $5,000 gold.

GATA – Gold and Sliver Prices Are Likely To Explode From Here

Posted by AGORACOM at 11:13 AM on Tuesday, September 14th, 2010

Good morning to you all.  Last night at 11:30 PM EST, I received the following e-mail message from Le Metropole Cafe, which is run by gold pundit Bill Murphy.  Along with Chris Powell, Bill Murphy founded The Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA), which was organized in January 1999 to advocate and undertake litigation against illegal collusion to control the price and supply of gold and related financial securities.

In a nutshell, these guys know what they are talking about and have been right about gold for more than a decade.  That doesn’t mean they walk on water and can’t be wrong – but when they speak I make sure to listen – and so should you.  This is especially true given the fact gold exploded this morning up $23 to $1,270, which breaks it free of $1,250 resistance.

Here is the message



In my commentary tonight, I reported on the ridiculous raid by JP Morgan Chase on the silver market to nullify the spectacular aspects of the technical close above $20 and a two and one year half high. The JPM bums, and long time Gold Cartel veteran gold GATA antagonists, took the price of silver from $ 20.11 to $19.93 in minutes in late Access Market trading for no reason … based on no outside market activity.

At post time, which is 9:30 CT, silver is $20.15 bid, which means the ALL MIGHTY silver banker tycoons have been stuffed. Even gold is challenging $1250, a key resistance area for the low-lifes of Larry Summers’

Behavioral Financial Program.

The reason for this alert is that I suspect, as a former limit position commodity trader, that the weak hand of the JP Morgan and allies short position, was just called into bluff ? and I THINK, that the JPM camp blinked and is standing a bit naked.

Gold and silver prices are likely to explode from here.

This could be a historic pricing period for precious metals. Those who know what GATA knows, will know why!

I salute Café members who will make fortunes in the years to come.

All the best,




Bob Chapman – The Reckless Mess Created By The Fed. A Must Read

Posted by AGORACOM at 1:51 PM on Monday, September 6th, 2010

I came across this very insightful article by Bob Chapman today.  It is potentially scary and will be viewed by some as fear mongering supported by great data and a smattering of conspiracy theories.

Personally, I gave the article a lot of thought and concluded it made too much sense to be ignored – especially given the fact I am fresh off watching CNBC’s Documentary “House Of Cards“.  As with the video, I strongly recommend that you read the article, think about it, discuss it with people smarter than you and then decide your course of action.

To this end, please find enclosed a few bullet point highlights, followed by the entire article.  I would love to hear what you think.



  • October will report the annual fiscal deficit of 9/30/10 of about $1.5 trillion, a figure thought impossible just 1-1/2 to 2 years ago.
  • The sale of Treasuries for the past six months was easy with a strong US dollar caused by a manufactured crisis in Greece and in the euro.
  • What the Fed has been approaching since June is a “liquidity trap.” That is when loans are offered to business and they refuse to borrow.
  • Gold has gained 15% a year for those last 7 years. This is a secular bull market and cannot be denied. Further, gold has appreciated annually against every currency.
  • All we can say is we will never understand how bright people miss the obvious. There is no logic here, only agenda.
  • the Fed will sell mortgage backed securities they paid banks $0.70 to $0.80 on the dollar for, back to them for $0.20 on the dollar. This allows the banks to carry this paper on their good books at market value and allows the taxpayer to pay the difference, and the Fed cleans up their books. They do not have to do this, but they are going to do so. The losses will be about $1.2 trillion.
  • At the same time inflation will rage. The worst of all investment worlds, except for those in gold and silver related assets. Just as an example, during the period from 1929 to 1936, gold doubled and gold and silver shares rose over 500% in a deflationary period.
  • Between 1978 and 1981, during an inflationary recession the average gold and silver share appreciated 40 times the price of gold bullion.
  • The high-end market in homes is virtually non-existent. No sales for the past two months. Only 1,000 units priced over $500,000 were sold.
  • There you have it, and it is quite a mess. Unfortunately it is going to get worse.


September 1 2010:

Almost two years ago the US Treasury was selling large amounts of short-term Treasury bills to fund bailouts and stimulus. That caused a major increase in debt. Most of that paper was 2-year bills and it is coming due for rollover shortly. While that transpires, October will report the annual fiscal deficit of 9/30/10 of about $1.5 trillion, a figure thought impossible just 1-1/2 to 2 years ago. (more…)

Why David Rosenberg Believes Resource Sector Remains A Core Holding

Posted by AGORACOM at 8:00 AM on Thursday, August 12th, 2010

If you don’t know who David Rosenberg is, you better get to know him.  Why? Forget about his title – there are plenty of useless anyalysts out there with big titles -  here is his track record in what has been a very difficult decade for institutional and retail investors:

From 2001 to 2008, Mr. Rosenberg was ranked first in economics in the Brendan Wood International Survey for Canada, ranked second overall in the 2008 Institutional Investors Survey for the U.S., and was on the Institutional Investor All American All Star Team from 2005-2008. Mr. Rosenberg also ranked 4th out of 104 economists in the 2009 Thomson-Extel survey of global portfolio managers. Mr. Rosenberg also ranked 4th out of 104 economists in the 2009 Thompson-Extel survey of global portfolio managers.

He is currently the Chief Economist over at Gluskin Sheff and a Canadian. I don’t add in that last point for humour.  As a Canadian, I believe he has a decidedly more rational head than his US counterparts that are typically guilty of both following the herd and looking after their own pockets.  I love the fact that Rosenberg doesn’t sit on the fence.  He develops a market outlook and tells you what he’s going to do about it.  None of the typical, “the ying could yang, but the yang could ying” bullshit that you often hear from these guys.

More importantly, as his track record demonstrates, he is often right.

Rosenberg is a great tool for retail investors because he isn’t shy about sharing his views.  He frequently speaks with both traditional media and some of the better financial blogs, including my friend Barry Ritholtz.  As such, it’s pretty easy to follow his thoughts.  I suggest you follow him via a Google Alert RSS Feed so that you don’t miss a thing.


In his market commentary yesterday, he provided his typical great analysis on the state of the markets.  It’s a must read as he covers inflation, deflation, the US economy, emerging markets and his recommended investment strategies.  In addition, he made the following statement with respect to the resource sector:

Moreover, I don’t believe in all the stories about China collapsing. In fact, if there is a bullish story to be told, it is that the secular growth paths in not only China, but India, Indonesia and Korea and that will continue to ensure that the resource sector remains a core holding, with oil and food retaining geopolitical significance and gold remaining a critical hedge against ongoing reflationary policies that weakens the U.S. dollar in coming months as a critical mid-term election approaches.

If that isn’t telling it like it is, I don’t know what is.
