SPONSOR: GGX’s Gold Drop property, situated in one of the most prolific gold-copper mining camps of North America, the Greenwood-Republic mining camp. The current 2019 drill program is following up on the 2018 drilling which intercepted high grade gold-silver results (129 g/t gold and 1,154 g/t silver over 7.28 meter) from the near surface COD vein which is projected to be 1.5 kms in length. Click here for more information

- Central banks bought more gold in 2018 than at any time since the early 1970s
- Bullion holdings rose by 651.5 tons last year, the most since 1971
In the 1990s, gold was an unloved asset among central banks. Reserve managers lent or sold their gold, particularly in Europe, and the gold price fell to a low of US$250/oz. Years of persistent selling triggered the Central Bank Gold Agreement of 1999, under which signatories agreed to limit collective sales to 400 tonnes per annum, put a cap on gold leasing and take a disciplined approach to gold futures and options.
The Agreement delivered two clear benefits: it helped to stabilise the gold price and increased transparency around central bank gold sales. Today, however, sentiment towards gold has been transformed and gold has regained its status as a valuable and highly regarded reserve asset.
In 2018 alone, central banks bought 651 tonnes of gold, up 74% compared to 2017 and the highest level since 1971.
Key Changes
A glance back over the past 20 years highlights some of the key changes in central bank behaviour.
First, central banks have rapidly and consistently added to their foreign exchange reserves since the Asian crisis of 1998. Reserves are a crucial element in a country’s armoury, providing protection against both domestic and external shocks and acting as a show of confidence to the outside world. Emerging market economies led the charge in this respect, sending worldwide foreign exchange reserves from around US$3 trillion (tn) in 2000 to approximately US$13tn in 2014. Purchases have plateaued over the past five years but still stand at some US$13tn today.
The dollar is the most widely held reserve asset but, according to
International Monetary Fund statistics, gold comes third, accounting for
11% of global reserves. Having been net sellers until 2000, central
banks have been net buyers ever since. In 2018 alone, central banks
bought 651 tonnes of gold, up 74% compared to 2017 and the highest level
since 1971. Over the past decade, central banks have purchased more
than 4,300 tonnes of gold, taking their total holdings to around 34,000
tonnes today. The trend has continued in 2019, with net purchases
reaching 90 tonnes before the end of the first quarter.
Notably too, central bank buying has been geographically diverse. Russia
has been the most committed purchaser of gold – acquiring almost 275
tonnes in 2018, the largest amount ever purchased in a single year.
China has been consistently adding to its reserves as well, but many
other emerging market countries have been accumulating gold over the
past year and more, including Hungary, Poland, Egypt, Kazakhstan and
The Drivers
What is the rationale behind this renewed interest in gold? First, heightened uncertainty about the global economic and geo-political outlook and second, gold’s intrinsic value as a reserve asset.
Ten years after the Global Financial Crisis, the macro-economic
outlook remains fragile and hard to read. In April, the IMF outlook
highlighted weakening GDP growth, with risks skewed to the downside. As
IMF Chief Economist Gita Gopinath explained, the global economy is at “a
delicate momentâ€. Advanced economies are predicted to grow by just 1.8%
in 2019 and 1.7% in 2020, while growth in the Euro area is expected to
be even lower, at 1.6% and 1.5% respectively. The emerging market growth
trajectory is more solid (4.4% in 2019 and 4.8% in 2020) but risks
remain tilted downwards.
Trade tensions are a major unknown. They have already had a negative
impact on growth and if the US and China do not reach a genuine truce,
the global outlook may worsen further. Fears of retaliation and
escalation may hit business investment, supply chains may be disrupted,
and productivity may slow across the world stage. The Euro area faces
specific challenges too. Business confidence is low, especially in
Germany due to the introduction of new fuel emission standards in the
auto industry. Fiscal policy is affecting Italian sovereign and
commercial bank spreads. And, of course, uncertainty about Brexit
persists, particularly as the exit date has now been postponed to
October 2019.
Furthermore, global geo-political risks have not abated and may have a negative impact on economic activity. Idiosyncratic risks are increasing too, such as the rise of populist governments in Latin America and across Europe.
What is the rationale behind this renewed interest in gold? First, heightened uncertainty about the global economic and geo-political outlook and second, gold’s intrinsic value as a reserve asset.
Gold Advantages
All these uncertainties accentuate negative market sentiment and drive central bank investors to reallocate their portfolios away from risky assets to safe haven assets.
This is where gold comes into its own, as it fulfils central banks’ three core objectives: safety, liquidity and return.
Gold is well known as a safe haven asset. It carries no credit risk, has little or no correlation with other assets and the price generally increases in times of stress. As such, it offers valuable protection in times of crisis.
Gold is highly liquid too. It can easily be traded in global market centres, such as London and New York. It can be used in swap transactions to raise liquidity when needed and it can be actively managed by reserve managers.
Gold can also enhance the risk/return profile of a central bank portfolio. Its lack of correlation to other major reserve assets makes it an effective portfolio diversifier and, over the long term, it delivers higher returns than many other assets.Â

Explore findings from the World Gold Council’s 2019 Central Bank Gold Reserves Survey
SOURCE: https://www.gold.org/goldhub/research/gold-investor/central-banks-return-to-gold