at 4:03 PM on Thursday, May 13th, 2021
In search of Canada’s next gold discovery, Manitou Gold MTU:TSXV) sees billion dollar deposit potential on their Goudreau project in Northern Ontario. Specifically, the area known as the The Baltimore Deformation Zone ( think Destor -Porcupine fault and and Gold camp it has become), and you see why management believes they have multiple shots at finding a billion dollar deposit. The Baltimore Zone has a 10 km trend that has never been systematically explored, it is going to take allot of drilling and Manitou is prepared; having just tripled their program to 30, 000 meters, for now.
If that isn’t enough to garner your attention, Manitou isn’t doing it alone. Supported by 2 majors in Alamos (AGI) and O3 Mining (OIII ) who are providing Board representation, treasury support and technical guidance. Manitou is very close to making a discovery of importance much quicker than most market watchers may realize, until now.
Lastly, Manitou isn’t alone in the area. They are surrounded by Majors, one who also happens to be Alamos, operator of the high grade Island Gold Mine and Manitou partner. Argonaut Gold (AR) are preparing for production in 2023.
Richard Murphy CEO sits down to explain why Manitou is the next Smallcap stock.
Posted by AGORACOM
at 7:57 AM on Thursday, April 15th, 2021
Manitou Gold Inc. (TSX-V: MTU) (the “Company” or “Manitou”) is pleased to announce additional assay results from its ongoing 10,000 metre drill program on its 100% owned Goudreau Project located along the eastern portion of the regional Baltimore Deformation Zone (the “BDZ”) in Northeastern Ontario.
Highlights of drill results are from the Stover Zone, which is within the Company’s Goudreau Project, where the Company is reporting assay results from an additional three drill holes that significantly expand known gold mineralization along strike, to 400 metres, and down-plunge to 500 metres.
Step-down and step-out drilling at the Stover Zone expands gold mineralization to 400 metres along strike and to 500 metres down-plunge, the highlights of which include:
5.5 m grading 2.5 g/t Au (starting at 525 m down-hole), including 2 m grading 3.7 g/t Au in hole MTU-21-12, within a wider intersection of 24.5 m grading 1.0 g/t Au, expanding gold mineralization by 200 m down-plunge;
4.7 m grading 1.0 g/t Au (starting at 510 m down-hole) and including 2.3 m grading 1.6 g/t Au, within a wider intersection of 17.7 m at 0.5 g/t Au in hole MTU-21-13; and
7.8 m grading 0.5 g/t Au (starting at 23.0 m down-hole) in hole MTU-21-11expanding the footprint of the mineralization at the Stover zone to 400 m along strike.
Follow-up drilling 1.2 kms east of the Stover Zone intercepted approximately 50 m of alteration, veining, and mineralization, similar to that of the Stover Zone, with results expected within two weeks.
Gold mineralization along the Stover Zone main shear has now been confirmed by drilling over a strike length of 2.2 kms. Continued drilling will test mineralization further along strike.
All gold zones encountered along the BDZ to date remainopen in all directions. Finalization and planning of new high priority drill targets along the 10 km of strike on the western part of the BDZ is scheduled for May 2021, with the drilling of the high priority targets expected to begin in June 2021.
Following the recent completion of the Company’s recent $5.0MM flow-through financing, the Company is fully funded for all planned and announced exploration activities.
“The continued intersection of significant gold values over tens of metres of thickness indicate that the regionalBDZ, which hosts our Goudreau Property, is a gold-endowed, crustal scale deformation zone. We are excited that we still have several exploration targets to test on the original Stover grid, which covers the eastern 4.5 km of the BDZ,” stated Richard Murphy, President and CEO of Manitou Gold. “Our geophysical surveys covering the western 10 kilometres of the BDZ are well under way. I expect that we will be ramping up our exploration drilling to test additional new targets in this area in the coming months.”
Posted by AGORACOM
at 3:28 PM on Friday, April 9th, 2021
Manitou Gold Inc. (TSXV: MTU) (the “Company” or “Manitou”) is pleased to announce that it has closed its previously announced private placement (the “Offering”) pursuant to which it has issued an aggregate of 45,740,909 “flow-through” common shares (“FT Shares”) at a price of $0.11 per FT Share to raise aggregate gross proceeds of $5,031,500.
The Company also issued an aggregate of 1,381,864 broker warrants to certain eligible registrants assisting in the Offering, each entitling the holder to acquire one common share of the Company at a purchase price of $0.11 per share for a period of three years from the closing of the Offering.
An amount equal to the gross proceeds from the sale of the FT Shares will be used for expenditures which qualify as Canadian exploration expenses (“CEE”) and “flow-through mining expenditures” (within the meaning of the Income Tax Act (Canada)). The Company will renounce such CEE with an effective date of no later than December 31, 2021.
In connection with the Offering, Alamos Gold Inc. (TSX: AGI, NYSE: AGI) purchased an aggregate of 15,900,000 FT Shares from a third party to maintain its 19.9% interest in the Company (calculated on a partially diluted basis). In addition, O3 Mining Inc. (TSX-V: OIII) participated in the Offering, as a result of which, it owns a 9.9% interest in the Company (calculated on a partially diluted basis).
Posted by AGORACOM
at 8:08 AM on Tuesday, March 9th, 2021
Main Shear Confirmed Along 2 km Strike Length
Drilling at Stover continues to intersect broad zones of gold mineralization
3.0 m grading 4.0 g/t Au within a broader intersection of 49 m grading 0.7 g/t Au
Manitou Gold Inc. (TSX-V: MTU) (the “Company” or “Manitou”) is pleased to announce additional assay results from its ongoing 10,000 metre drill program along the eastern portion of the Baltimore deformation zone (the “BDZ”) on its 100% owned Goudreau Project in Northeastern Ontario.
Highlights of drill results are from the Stover zone and newly identified extension zones, where the Company is reporting assay results from an additional eight drill holes completed in February of this year. Drilling is ongoing, with two diamond drill rigs currently testing the Stover zone and 28 other high priority targets on the eastern 4 kms of the 18 km length of the BDZ on Manitou property.
Drilling at Stover continues to intersect broad zones of gold mineralization down plunge of previously announced, shallow drill hole intersections, with highlights including:
3.0 m grading 4.0 g/t Au within a broader intersection of 49 m grading 0.7 g/t Au (starting at 291 m down hole) in hole MTU-21-10, located approximately 200 metres down-plunge of hole MTU-20-56, which intersected 15 m grading 1.5 g/t Au, including 5.3 m at 2.7 g/t Au; and
36.5 m grading 0.5 g/t Au (starting at 186.9 m down hole), including 4.4 m at 1.8 g/t Au in hole MTU-21-07, located 150 m up plunge of MTU-21-10.
Identified significant gold mineralization over widths of up to 12 m in step-out holes located 1.2 kms east and 600 m west of the Stover zone along the “Main shear”;
The Main shear has now been drill confirmed along 2 km of strike length.
All gold zones encountered along the BDZ to date remain open in all directions; additional drilling to test for higher grade shoots is ongoing. A second diamond drill is completing follow-up hole in the vicinity of the step-out drilling to determine the extent of gold mineralization in these new areas.
Aggressive step-down drill-hole underway with hole MTU-21-12, which targets the Stover zone 200 m down-plunge from the deepest intercept to date. Hole MTU-21-12 is an aggressive step-down drill hole which targets the mineralized zone at a vertical depth of approximately 450 metres.
“Our exploration thesis for the BDZ is that the orogenic gold environment proven up by our neighbours to the west is intact, with the main gold bearing sections beginning at depths of several hundred metres below surface. The deeper we have drilled on the Stover zone, the more confirmation we are getting in this regard. I am very optimistic about the ongoing hole MTU-21-12, which is testing 200 metres below our most recent, highest grade intersection to date,” stated Richard Murphy, President and CEO of Manitou Gold. “I am also looking forward to the results of our ongoing geophysical surveys, which are covering the western ten kilometres of the BDZ on Manitou Property. I expect that we will be ramping up our exploration drilling to test new targets in this area.”
Stover Zone
Today’s results from the Stover zone includes two drill holes collared 50 m and 200 m down-plunge of previously released drill holes, (see news release dated December 16, 2020 & news release January dated January 12, 2021) which intersected up to 39.9 m at 0.5 g/t in hole MTU-20-49, 0.8 g/t Au over 18.0 m, including 3.3 g/t Au over 2.1 m in hole MTU-20-52 and 15 m grading 1.5 g/t Au, including 5.3 m at 2.7 g/t Au in hole MTU-20-56.
Hole MTU-21-07 returned 36.5 m at 0.5 g/t Au (starting at 186.9 m down hole), including 4.4 m at 1.8 and Hole MTU-21-10 intersected 49 m at 0.7 g/t Au (starting at 291 m down hole), including 3.0 m at 4.0 g/t Au.
The new results demonstrate the down-plunge continuity of mineralization and validate the interpretation of steeply westerly plunging shoots. Drill results to date demonstrate the continuity of mineralization over a distance of 200 metres along strike and 350 metres down plunge.
The company is now completing an aggressive step-down drill hole which targets the mineralized zone at a vertical depth of approximately 450 metres and 200 metres down plunge of the deepest intercept to date.
Posted by AGORACOM
at 8:10 AM on Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021
Ongoing 10,000 m drill program along the southeastern segment of the Baltimore deformation zone
Focus of continued drilling is 10km of strike length along the BDZ
BDZ remains largely unexplored with only 4,400 m of historic drilling for gold
A 2nd diamond drill is testing new targets along 4km of the BDZ
Manitou Gold Inc. (TSX-V: MTU) (the “Company” or “Manitou”) today provided an update on its ongoing 10,000 m drill program along the southeastern segment of the Baltimore deformation zone (the “BDZ”). Additionally, the Company has commenced a 300 line kilometer ground geophysical survey covering an additional 10 kilometers of strike length along the BDZ, which will be the focus of continued drilling.
The BDZ is an emerging crustal scale structural corridor that is the extension of the prolific Goudreau-Localsh deformation zone (the “GLDZ”), which hosts the majority of gold deposits in the northeastern Michipicoten greenstone belt. The BDZ is centrally located in the eastern half of the Company’s land package, which covers nearly 350 square kilometers.
The BDZ represents a crustal-scale fault system that is the key target for orogenic gold mineralization and the extension of the Goudreau-Localsh deformation zone, which hosts two multi-million ounce gold deposits.
The GLDZ has been tested with more than 1,000,000 m of diamond drilling for gold, whereas the BDZ remains largely unexplored with only 4,400 m of historic drilling for gold:
○ The cumulative drilling along GLDZ resulted in the discovery of 6 orebodies to date;
○ Recent results with intercepts of up to 15 m grading 1.5 g/t Au, including 5.3 m at 2.7 g/t Au in hole MTU-20-56 demonstrate that the BDZ is a fertile corridor for orogenic gold deposits;
○ The BDZ on Manitou ground covers an equivalent length and area as the GLDZ and provides abundant opportunity for discovery of multiple gold deposits.
The “Main Shear”, which dominates the central corridor of the BDZ and hosts the Stover zone, has been confirmed by drilling to be continuous for over 2 km:
○ Two step-out holes located approximately 600 m west and 1,200 m east along strike of hole MTU-20-49 (39.9 m at 0.5 g/t) display zones of deformation, alteration and mineralization similar to that of the Stover zone (assay results pending);
○ The Stover zone remains open in all directions; additional drilling to test for higher grade shoots is ongoing. The target mineralized zone has been intersected in three recent drill holes, for which assays are pending;
○ A second diamond drill is testing new targets along a 4 km portion of the BDZ.
at 1:34 PM on Saturday, April 5th, 2014
AGORACOM Founder, George Tsiolis and Chief Market Commentator, Allan Barry Go Via Satellite to discuss and debate Allan’s Best picks this week. Companies Included on this week’s show are:
Allan and George have already put their viewers well ahead of the game by starting their weekly broadcasts on July 11, 2013 on the thesis that great small-cap companies were so oversold they could not be ignored. One look at the TSX Venture Index proves they hit the nail on the head … but that doesn’t come close to telling the whole story with most of their picks far outperforming an exchange bloated with zombie companies.
Find out which companies Allan and George like this week by watching the video below!
Want to catch up on previous shows?
Weekly “Best Of The Best†Summarizing The Best Picks From Our Daily Shows. Posted Every Friday Afternoon Watch Here
Daily “Small-Cap Breakfast†Where You FIRST Hear Allan’s Picks (Posted Every Day Around 11:00 AM) Watch Live Here
at 12:31 PM on Monday, March 31st, 2014
AGORACOM – The Small Cap Epicenter reports on the day’s best small cap and micro cap press releases.
Good afternoon to you all. Please find enclosed a summary of the breaking small-cap and micro-cap financial news we highlighted on our TV show this morning. It’s March 31th and we’ve found 6 great press releases to report on. It’s another great day for small-cap and micro-cap financial news.
If you are new to the show, it is a daily, fast-paced, edgy report that we put out Mon – Thurs that strictly reports on the best small cap and micro cap news of the day. You can watch AGORACOM TV right from our home page.
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at 1:48 PM on Saturday, February 22nd, 2014
AGORACOM Founder, George Tsiolis and Chief Market Commentator, Allan Barry Go Via Satellite to discuss and debate Allan’s Best picks this week. Companies Included on this week’s show are:
Allan and George have already put their viewers well ahead of the game by starting their weekly broadcasts on July 11, 2013 on the thesis that great small-cap companies were so oversold they could not be ignored. One look at the TSX Venture Index proves they hit the nail on the head … but that doesn’t come close to telling the whole story with most of their picks far outperforming an exchange bloated with zombie companies.
Find out which companies Allan and George like this week by watching the video below!
Want to catch up on previous shows?
Weekly “Best Of The Best†Summarizing The Best Picks From Our Daily Shows. Posted Every Friday Afternoon Watch Here
Daily “Small-Cap Breakfast†Where You FIRST Hear Allan’s Picks (Posted Every Day Around 11:00 AM) Watch Live Here
at 2:01 PM on Thursday, February 20th, 2014
AGORACOM – The Small Cap Epicenter reports on the day’s best small cap and micro cap press releases.
Good afternoon to you all. Please find enclosed a summary of the breaking small-cap and micro-cap financial news we highlighted on our TV show this morning. It’s February 20th and we’ve found 7 great press releases to report on. It’s another great day for small-cap and micro-cap financial news.
If you are new to the show, it is a daily, fast-paced, edgy report that we put out Mon – Thurs that strictly reports on the best small cap and micro cap news of the day. You can watch AGORACOM TV right from our home page.
If you miss an episode or want to search for your company in our archive, you can visit our industry leading Small-Cap Podcast site at any time:
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