Agoracom Blog

AGORACOM Client Intelligence Report – November 2008

Posted by AGORACOM at 12:00 PM on Sunday, November 30th, 2008

AGORACOM Client Intelligence Report – November 2008

We’re pleased to provide you with the November 2008 edition of the AGORACOM Client Intelligence Report.

For those of you who didn’t receive it last month or are new clients of AGORACOM, you can now find an archive of our newsletters on our blog here. For confidentiality reasons, “Off The Blog” items mentioned in these letters are not mentioned in the blog posts.


For the benefit of our new clients, we call this newsletter an Intelligence Report because it provides you with important information, data and trends that impact your business – information that you normally don’t have time to find.  We often write about these in The AGORACOM Blog, so we call these “On The Blog” stories.

In addition, this newsletter gives you a chance to look into our crystal ball and know what AGORACOM is working on months before the general public.  You can’t find these tidbits on our blog, so we call them “Off The Blog” and ask that you keep them confidential.

As you know, we move faster than any IR firm on the planet, so knowing what we are doing in advance helps both of us coordinate our activities.  This is especially true for what we expect to be an extremely fast moving and exciting year in 2009.

In short, greater market intelligence that puts you ahead of all of your peers.

I can’t stress enough my recommendation that you review our monthly newsletter carefully for the purposes of incorporating some of our market intelligence into both your IR and business initiatives.  AGORACOM is now the largest small-cap IR firm and site on the continent thanks to our effective use of web technology.  As such, following us will help you achieve your goals.


**For confidentiality reasons, the “Off The Blog” items are not mentioned in the blog posts as they are only
available to AGORACOM clients**


Throughout 2008, we’ve provided a series of blog posts entitled “Small-Cap CEO Lessons”.  The purpose of this series has been to provide CEO’s with valuable data and information that would beneficially impact their business.

With the year winding down, it makes sense to re-visit the Top 10 lessons of the year in order to help you make the best decisions possible for 2009.

Given the fact AGORACOM attracted 1.2 million investors that visited 7.6 million times and read 101 million pages of information this year by using many of these techniques, it is safe to say our Small-Cap CEO lessons are more than self-serving lip service.


1. SEC Gives OK To Websites, Blogs, RSS Feeds and Other Web 2.0 Tools For Reg FD

This story ranks as the #1 online investor relations story in 2008.  Enough said.  Read more…

2. How Obama Used The Web To Attract 3.1 Million Investors, Smash All Records and Win The Election

Like you, Obama was a small-cap gem surrounded by Blue-Chip competitors who attracted the upper echelon of people and funding.  Using the web, he took his message to millions of people using the least amount of money.  The people responded.  The rest is history.  Read more…

3. IR Consultant To World’s Biggest Companies Advises “Retail Investor Relations Is Paramount”

When Dominic Jones speaks, we listen.  So should you.  What’s he telling the world’s biggest pubco’s? Read more…

4. 28-Year Old Males Are The Most Bullish Investors Today

CNBC ran an extensive survey and found that 28-year old males are today’s most bullish investors.  How many 25-35 year old males are in your database?  AGORACOM is targeting them via the web right now. Whose audience is bigger?  Read more…

5. Online Advertising Is Growing During Economic Slowdown Thanks To ROI

With every company on the planet looking to maximize efficiencies, online advertising is growing while traditional advertising (radio, print and television) is falling.  Why? ROI.  Stop wasting your IR $ on old fashioned, inefficient IR methods. They don’t work and you’re wasting both time and money.  Read more…

6. Use Search Engines To Find Things … AND Be Found

Throughout the year I would ask CEO’s “when was the last time you used Google to find something?” and 99% would answer the last 24 hours or less.  Well, if you use search engines to find things, why aren’t you using search engines to be found?  Read more…

7. AGORACOM Survey:  Majority Of Retail Investors Find Conferences To Be Irrelevant

Do you even wonder why the aisles are empty when standing in your booth at most investor conferences?  An AGORACOM survey of retail investors discovered the following.  Read more…

8. How To Conduct Proper IR During Market Turmoil

Sure, the markets went through one hell of a rough patch in 2008 – but this is no time to run and hide unless your company was built on a house of cards.  Here is an example of how one AGORACOM client stepped up to the plate.  Read more…

9. 93% of Americans Want To Interact With Companies Online

If this title doesn’t say it all, then how about this tidbit.  67% of wealthy households are loyal to brands they can interact with online.  93% and 67% are pretty big numbers to ignore.  Read more…

10. Dell Has An Investor Relations Blog…Why Don’t You?

If Dell and their multi-million IR budget feel that Web 2.0 tools are valuable IR tools for reaching retail investors, what do you think you should be doing? Calling AGORACOM hopefully.  Read more…


As you can see, we’re a big believer in data and facts to support any position.  We trust you now have ample amounts of data to help guide your online IR decisions in 2009.

We hope you found this edition of the AGORACOM Client Intelligence Report to be helpful.  If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me or your AGORACOM representative for further assistance.

Thank-you and have a great day.

Yours truly,
George Tsiolis

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