A weekly summary of Novamind news and media, including the announcement of our selection as a research site for Karuna Therapeutics.

September 14, 2021
What Is Psycholytic Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy?
In this episode of the Psychedelic Therapy Frontiers podcast, Dr. Steve Thayer and Dr. Reid Robison are joined by returning guest, Vhari Macbeth to discuss psycholytic ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP).
Learn more, subscribe and catch up on previous episodes you may have missed at psychedelictherapyfrontiers.com

Novamind to Serve as Research Site for Karuna Therapeutics Late-Stage Clinical Trial
We are pleased to announce that our wholly owned subsidiary, Cedar Clinical Research has been selected as a research site for a clinical trial sponsored by Karuna Therapeutics, Inc., a clinical-stage neuroscience biopharmaceutical company
The phase III study will evaluate the investigational therapy KarXT for the treatment of schizophrenia, a serious and potentially disabling condition affecting approximately 20 million people worldwide.
Dr. Reid Robison, Novamind’s Chief Medical Officer and Principal Investigator at CCR said, “We need more innovation in this field and I’m hopeful to see compounds like KarXT that have new ways of acting on the brain and the potential for improved efficacy and side effect profiles.”
September 13, 2021

As psychedelics continue to break free from the stigma surrounding them, more and more people are seeing the promise these drugs have in changing the way we treat mental health. “Recent trials are showing that psychedelics are proving not only successful but also incredibly effective when stacked up against traditional forms of treatment, with one recent trial reporting that they are up to four times more effective than antidepressants.”
The DEA Seeks To Increase Federal Production Limits For Psilocybin And Marijuana Research
In a big step forward for psychedelic research, the DEA is set to increase limits for psilocybin. From the DEA: “DEA firmly believes in supporting regulated research of schedule I controlled substances.” We look forward to increased research and have a dedicated psychedelic contract research organization (CRO) in Cedar Clinical Research, capable of studying promising new treatments.

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Tags: COMPASS PATHWAYS, CSE, Field Trip Health Ltd., ketamine, MDMA, Psychedelic, Psychedelic Therapy, psychedelics, smallcap, smallcaps