AGORACOM Client Intelligence Report – September 2008
We’re pleased to provide you with the September 2008 edition of the AGORACOM Client Intelligence Report.
For the benefit of our new clients, we call this newsletter an Intelligence Report because it provides you with important information, data and trends that impact your business – information that you normally don’t have time to find.
In addition, this newsletter gives you a chance to look into our crystal ball and know what AGORACOM is working on months before the general public. You can’t find these tidbits on our blog, so we call them “Off The Blog†and ask that you keep them confidential. As you know, we move faster than any IR firm on the planet, so knowing what we are doing in advance helps both of us coordinate our activities. This is especially true for what we expect to be an extremely fast moving and exciting year in 2009.
In short, greater market intelligence that puts you ahead of all of your peers.
I can’t stress enough my recommendation that you review our monthly newsletter carefully for the purposes of incorporating some of our market intelligence into both your IR and business initiatives. AGORACOM is now the largest small-cap IR firm and site on the continent thanks to our effective use of web technology. As such, following us will help you achieve your goals.
**For confidentiality reasons, the “Off The Blog†items are not mentioned in the blog posts as they are only available to AGORACOM clients**
Bullish Indicator – Small-Cap Gold Company CEO’s
If you’re a fan of “ear to the ground” anecdotal evidence, then you’ll want to know that we’ve received our 3rd call from a small-cap gold company looking to begin an online investor relations program. Read more…
The Ultimate Investor Testimonial – We’re Onto Something
This month, we received an amazing shot of pride and joy thanks to one of our members who sent us the following private message. Read more…
Small-Cap CEO Lesson: 93% Of Americans Want To Interact With You Via Social Media
If you’re a small-cap CEO that continues to doubt the power of online investor relations, then consider this recent study. Read more…
AGORACOM Launches 30-Second TV Spots On CNBC, Bloomberg, BNN
AGORACOM has taken yet another giant leap forward with the launch of 30-second TV spots on the best business television channels in North America. Read more…
We Are Officially Living In The Financial Matrix
You may think the source of our economic problems stem from banks gone wild, or regulators gone missing. Look again. Read more…
SEC Bans Short Selling – NFL Bans Blitzes – MLB Bans Double Plays – NHL Bans Goalie
Barry Ritholtz (The Big Picture), one of the smartest finance guys in the galaxy, sums this issue up nicely. Read more…
Kinross Fails To Acquire 90% Of Aurelian – Extends Offer For A 2nd Time. Community Wins 3rd Battle
Kinross Gold issued a press release in September with the following headline: KINROSS NOW OWNS 90.7% OF AURELIAN SHARES. That may be true – but it is also misleading. Read more…
Small-Cap CEO Lesson (Canada) – Stephen Harper Goes Web 2.0, Why Aren’t You?
If you are a Canadian Small-Cap CEO that still doubts the power of Web 2.0 as your primary IR tool for finding new investors then you need to consider the fact that Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, has gone Web 2.0. Read more…
We hope you found this edition of the AGORACOM Client Intelligence Report to be helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us or your AGORACOM representative for further assistance.
Thank-you and have a great day.
Yours truly,
George Tsiolis