SPONSOR: Labrador Gold – Two successful gold explorers lead the way in the Labrador gold rush targeting the under-explored gold potential of the province. Exploration has already outlined district scale gold on two projects, including a 40km strike length of the Florence Lake greenstone belt, one of two greenstone belts covered by the Hopedale Project. Click Here for More Info
Labrador Gold: District Scale Discovery Potential
- First stage drilling on selected targets in 2020 at Hopedale
- Large under-explored properties, including the major portion of two greenstone belts
- Potential for discovery of new gold district(s)
- Experienced exploration success in finding gold deposits (>17 million oz)
- First mover advantage
Results of aggressive initial exploration programs already indicate district scale gold targets
Hopedale Project Highlights:
- Discovered a new gold showing north of the Thurber Dog gold occurrence, grab samples from which assayed between 1.67 and 8.26 g/t Au.
- The Thurber Dog gold occurrence has assays in grab and channel samples from below detection up to 7.866 g/t Au, with 5 samples greater than 1 g/t Au and 16 samples assaying greater than 0.1 g/t Au.
- The discovery extends the potential strike length of gold mineralization by approximately 500 metres along strike to the north.
- The new showing occurs within a larger 3km trend of anomalous gold in rock and soil associated with the contact between mafic/ultramafic volcanic rocks and felsic volcanic rocks.
Exploration at Hopedale during 2020 will focus on determining the extent of the Thurber Dog mineralized trend. Such work would aim to fill in the gaps between showings over the three-kilometre strike length with sampling and VLF-EM surveys. LabGold also intends to carry out an initial drill program targeting prospective areas along this trend, including the new showing.
The Hopedale property covers much of the Hunt River and Florence Lake greenstone belts that stretch over 80 km. The belts are typical of greenstone belts around the world but have been underexplored by comparison. Initial work by Labrador Gold during 2017 show gold anomalies in soils and lake sediments over a 3 kilometre section of the northern portion of the Florence Lake greenstone belt in the vicinity of the known Thurber Dog gold showing where grab samples assayed up to 7.8g/t gold. In addition, anomalous gold in soil and lake sediment samples occur over approximately 40 kilometres along the southern section of the greenstone belt (see news release dated January 25th 2018 for more details). Labrador Gold now controls approximately 57km strike length of the Florence Lake Greenstone Belt.
FULL DISCLOSURE: Labrador Gold is an advertising client of AGORA Internet Relations Corp.
Tags: #Ashuanipi, #Discovery, #Drilling, #Greenstone, #Hopedale, #LAB, #Labrador, #LabradorGold, #Newfoundland, #Plethora, #ShawnRyan, 2020